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    Osho Neo Vipassana Meditation Retreat

    To book your seats for Osho Neo Vipassana Meditation Retreat, Please directly call or send WhatsApp message on +977 +977 9849992957 or +977 +977 9851074126
    • Only in Nepali
    • Oct 20 - Oct 24
    • 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
    • 5

    What is Vipassana?

    Vipassana is the inner journey from unconscious to conscious, death to deathless, ephemeral to perpetual and suffering to blissful living. Satguru Osho says “ Vipassana is the most important meditation technique in the history of man-kind. No other meditation technique has enlightened as many people as Vipassana.”

    What is Neo-Vipassana?

    Neo-Vipassana is the contemporary, modern, simple, joyful, and life-affirmative version. Neo-Vipassana is guided primarily by revolutionary meditation techniques from Satguru Osho.

    How to do Osho Neo-Vipassana?

    A seeker enters into the state of Vipassana through the process of breathing techniques, catharsis, and celebration. Upward movement of energy, and inner journey happens by silent observation.

    Why Osho Neo-Vipassana?

    • It is one of the greatest methods to teach the art of loving awareness in life.

    • The seeker experiences the state of no suffering, inner peace and inner bliss without renouncing one’s home, family, profession and his life.

    • It is a simple, joyful, and scientific meditation practice.

    • The seeker will discover many divine experiences including inner consciousness and inner music, light etc etc.

    • This practice is devoid of any superstitions, prejudices, greed, fear, religious rituals and gurudom.

    • This meditation practice can be easily taught to other people after the end of the meditation camp.

    • This practice will purify body, mind and emotions ultimately leading a seeker to the state of witnessing consciousness.

    • The seeker takes the support of his body, sensations, breath, thoughts, and emotions to gradually enter the realm of direct knowledge. In other words, the seeker uses form to enter the formless self.

    • The seeker discovers the inner master residing within.

    Where is the practice of Neo-Vipassana taught?

    Main Center of Osho Life Awakening Movement:

    Osho Ashram Sauraha

    Bachhauli, Ratnanagar-6, Chitwan, Nepal 

    Place which full of natural beauties and moderate residential amenities is
    close to the Chitwan National Park, alongside Sauraha Tourist Bus-park.

    Contact number: 9851074126, 9841522443,  9849992957

    Email: osho.ashram.sauraha@gmail.com

    Who teaches Osho Neo-Vipassana?

    It is based on the discourses and techniques propounded by enlightened master (Satguru) Osho and is taught by the facilitators of Osho Ashram Sauraha.

    What is the duration and cost of the program?

    It is a five days (six nights) program taught in a group of 25 to 50 people.

    How to book your seats for the program?

    The following person should be contacted to secure your seat for the program.

    Shaligram Ghale – 9849992957